Tuesday, January 26, 2010

ohh bullying !!! What the causes???

Salam..Hai guys..Ahlan Wahsahlan...
Do you know me?? I'm Dayah Rosni..
Oh ho.. It’s too many definition of bullies.. When I read the previous entry, I felt scared you know..Hehehe...
Bullying is obsessive and compulsive. It means that it has to be someone that been bullied and appeared to be unable to survive without a current target. This phenomenon becomes worst especially in school. A bully is a person who has never learnt to accept responsibility for their behavior. They want to enjoy the benefits of living in the adult world, but who is unable and unwilling to accept the responsibilities that are a prerequisite for being part of the adult world. Otherwise, they abdicates and denies responsibility for their behavior and its consequences (abdication and denial are common features of bullying).
Bullying behavior is a complex behavior. Children are not born as bullies. Bullying is unable and unwilling to recognize the effect of their behaviors on others. They do not know how to behave right to others.
There are many factors that affect a child develop into bullies. The factors including biological factors and behavior, the influence of family, friends and environment. studie indicate taht factors tempering individual, social, environmental risk adn protection interact to determine the etiology bullying behavior (Espelage, Bosworth, and simon, 2000; Verlinden, Herson and Thomas, 2000).
I want to touch on three factors that led to the symptoms of bullying. The factors are :-
There are 2 group of individual who are directly involved in bullying. Both group of individual is a key factor affecting the bullying behavior. Personality characteristics and attitudes an individual maybe the root cause of bullying behavior. They are :-
> The Bullies
> The Victims of Bullying
  • The Bullies
Bullies tend to assume that he is treatened and in danger. Bullies usually act as a justification to attack before the attack and support of aggressive behavior that has been done. In common, the bully consists of a strong physical self with a good appreciation and growing. Bullies do not have a sense of responsible action that they do, often feel controlled and want to dominate, and could not understand and appreciate others.
Individuals who bully is so often the children or students who are popular and act as a pressure group. Bully also difficult to control, and difficult to comply with social rules against children or other students. However, there are bullies who have the ability to understand and manipulate the minds of others. In this capacity, they are capable and able to act effectively without bullying can be detected by others.
Bully also consists of members of the group thet tried to build and demonstrate their power to distrupt the group and threatening the child, or other students who are not members of their group (Rigby, 1994). Results from several studies show the bully might come from victims who have suffered acts of violence or flogging (Loeber and Hay, 1997; Verlinden, Herson and Thomas, 2000). This individual acts as a bully because of revenge. they are not able to respond to individuals who have been bullying them directly, as they choose and make individuals more vulnerable ro retaliation. this action has benn changing bullying victims become bullies.
  • The Victims of Bullying
Bullying victim is a person who becomes a target for a variety of aggressive behavior. In other words, victims of bullying who is being bullied or bully target. Children often become victims of bullying typically highlight the characteristics of internal behaviors such as being passive, sensitive, quiet, weak and will not respond if attacked or harassed (Nansel et al., 2001). In general, these children have self-confidence competent, weak, depressed, and always in fear. Victims of bullying weaker than the bully. Usually choose to bully bullied. Cause of an individual or student is being bullied :-
a) Variations is in itself.
Individuals or students who are seen as a different or variant of athers, usually the potential for bullying. Bullies usually see and find the variations that exist on the victim, and thus make the difference as an excuse to allow these actions. Students who viewed nature and pampered like asserting than others have a high risk to be victims of bullying.
b) Physical characteristics is in itself.
Students who have physical characteristics that are often targeted to poor bullied by their students. Students or individuals who have a deficiency in terms of physical characteristics, a high level of anxeity, social skills and a low potential for victims of bullying are made by peers (Egan and Perry, 1998). Because the physical characteristics of the weak, the individual target bullies to bully the most secure.
c) Provocative
Olweus (1993) found that there are victims of bullying who behave in annoying others around him. Victims of bullying behavior is causing provocation of others, around them, and also trigger negative reactions from others. Victims of bullying provocative directly to lure or attract bullies to bully them. They also often generate anger others to bully them through the use of words offensive (Matusova, 1997). Students also said to have an easy fight nature, ill-tempered, and behave the offensive to others.
d) Personality characteristics is in itself.
Students who have the characteristics of a weak personalitty as shy, passive, lifeless and potential to become a victim of bullying (Nesbitt, 1999). They are students who do not have self-confidence and less popular among their peers. Weakness psychology students this seems to give signals to the bully that they are individuals or students who are easily bullied. Bullies often assume that this group of students is an individual who is not able to respond to bullying actions performed.
e) Always alone.
Attitudes of students who have withdrawn and not to protect a friend or share a problem that is often exposed to risk for being bullied. Students in this group are students who are ignored by others. In bullying, victims of bullying among students who are withdrawn, treated as a "classic bully victim" by the bullies, especially if the victim was crying and less easy to fight or respond (Seppa, 1996).
f) New people.
Students who become new people or "junior" among the partners also have the potential to be victims of bullying. As a new scholl, or in the classroom, students are not able to adjust to the school and classroom environment. Students usually do not have a friend who can protect or help them to solve problems. Thus students will become the easiest targets for bullying.

Actually, children behavior especially students, who are become bullies or victims of bullying are developed from other factors. From that, we have to know what the exactly causes that would comes towards in this issue. A number of different factors have been identified which contribute to bullying problems. For me, a major factors that causes the bullying in school are family factors and school factors itself.

Family background plays an important role in shaping feature bullying behavior. A number of child-rearing styles have been found to predict whether children will grow up to be aggressive bullies. Parents often tend to form quarrelling children at risk to become more aggressive. Use of excessive force and action in an effort to discipline children by parents, guardians and teachers indirectly, encourage bullying behavior among children (Goleman, 1995).
Children who lack of love, the perfect upbringing, and strengthening the positive potential to become bullies. A lack of attention and warmth toward the child, together with modeling of aggressive behavior at home, and poor supervision of the child, provide the perfect opportunity for aggressive and bullying behavior to occur. Their children being ill-tempered and aggressive behavior is the most appropriate and effective to achieve a goal. These children receive instruction indirectly against that action is a way for them to solve problems.
Modeling of aggressive behavior may also include use of physical and verbal aggression toward the child by parents, or use of physical and verbal aggression by parents toward each other. The connection between witnessing wife assault by children, particularly male children, and bully behavior by children toward peers, has not been well studied, but studies do indicate that aggressive behavior of all kinds is elevated in children who witness violence by their father toward their mother.

Environment, practices, and policies affecting school activities, behaviors, and student interaction at school. Feeling safe and valued is the basis of high academic achievement in school.
If these requirements are not met, students may act to control their environment by doing anti-social behavior such as bullying of other people. The social context and supervision at school have been shown to play a major part in the frequency and severity of bullying problems. Management and supervision of school discipline that will lead to the existence of weak bullying behavior in schools (Pearceand Thompson, 1998).
Potential for bullying behavior also exists among students as a result of crowded conditions and lack of classroom teachers. This will cause the student cannot be supervised and controlled, and eventually the situation became such a contributor to the occurrence of bullying behavior among school students. Besides, while teachers and administrators do not have control over individual and family factors which produce children who are inclined to bully, bullying problems can be greatly reduced in severity by appropriate supervision, intervention and climate in a school.

As a person who are really care about this phenomenon, I feel everyone has to give their commitments to control this phenomenon from becoming worst and terrible..
So, I hope, all of u guys who read this blog can give more comments about this phenomenon. See u later.. Salam...


dayah mohd said...

hello everyone...i just one to share the article that i have read on the website about causes of bully in school...
the website is
i hope u all can read this article...
from this article i can said that mostly the causes of bullies in school is less attention from family and teachers in school.
In this article i can notic that when there are less attention from family at home and then the children come to school.
The school also have a problem such as burden of teachers work , lack of financial support, lack of attention from the education office and others.
So the bully phenomenan can not be resolved.

dayah mohd said...

good morning friends...after i read a post from dayah rosni I agree with her views that the home and the family is the main contributer of bullying problems.
I would like to add here that for me the main factor that produces bullies at home is the lack of religious and moral education at home. If a child is given proper moral and religious training at home he or she will not turn into a bully. A person who received sound moral and religious training is always afraid to exhibit wrongdoings (bullying for example). Besides training their children, parents too should set an example. Parents must exhibit religious and moral etiquette to their children. that's my opinion hopefully you all can at something here...bye

sue89 said...

aloooooha.. it's me, sue! great to see you again. well, i agree with with both of you. yes, family and school is a major causes of bullies.
but here i don't like to discuss more detail about it, because i think there are another factors that will cause the bully problem among the student.
from the source from internet i just find that the cartoons, TV's and media and movie create bullies. New research suggests that children's media exposure is a big factor in whether or not they become bullies at school.Harvard's Centre on Media and Child Health has found that children learn socially acceptable behaviour from television and movies and then model that in the playground.
here i would like to share with you all what Paediatrics instructor at Harvard Medical School David Bickham is attending a forum at Adelaide's Flinders University say's.
"If we look at media and you look at the way violence is presented in the media, you see violence as being very glamourised and very exciting, and having very few consequences," he said.
"So if a young person has grown up with that being the primary source of information about violence, then it's easy to understand why we would be concerned that they would learn that behaving aggressively in school is something that would lead to lots of positive social outcomes."
Dr Bickham says the media can affect children's behaviour by portraying violence and aggression as the norm.
that was a simple comment from me for this moment. got to go.. adioss..

dayah rosni said...

Salam .. Hi, I Dayah Rosni ... Meet again .. Thank you to friends who are willing to comment on my post this space. In fact many more do not enter it in the post. But the response of friends is very good and I appreciate.
I would like to add that not only is this an encouraging bullying. There are several more factors that also contributes to the symptoms of bullying among students in this school. The factors that most likely once the peer. According to O'Connell et al., 1996; Verlinden et al., 2000, peers play a role no less important to the development and strengthening of bullying behavior, antisocial attitudes and misconduct among children. The presence of peers as audience, indirectly helping the bully has a support (power), popularity, and status. Bully indirectly aware of the support (power) and receive reinforcement through peer social behavior of bullies that they do against the victim.
In most situations bullying, or peer witnesses who saw acts of bullying, usually take the attitude remain silent and refused to intervene. They think that if they intervene or tell others about bullying behavior that was witnessed by them, would invite disaster response and the worse of themselves and bully victims. Failure to act or react to report cases of bullying, the behavior will ultimately strengthen the bully and continue to tolerate bullying behavior is done indiscriminately.
If this situation persists, the bully will increasingly bold, while we will remain silent as his friend, according to impressions as bullies and put ourselves as offenders who get stuck with these symptoms. For bullying victims, they will always be in fear to find a friend or meeting with friends at school and they also tend to find their peers at the same or they become victims of bullying will also be withdrawn as long as they get bullied.
This concludes the first ya .. Later I will add more space in this comment about the cause of why these symptoms occur. find more at the other time so .. Ahlan Wahsahlan ..

syamsuri said...

hye's me syam.can i interrupt discussion.for me is not denied that family factors and school factors are contributing to the bullying behaviour,but at the same time individual factors are also a factors that influence bullying behaviour.invidual are more likely refer to bullies.bullies assume that he or she is threatened and in danger,and attacking before they were attacked by the other people.usually,bullies behave so because they don;t fear to the rules and school dicipline.the bullies also have a clear lack of emphaty this mean the bullies have a negative attitude such as control attitude and dominate the other person.futhermore,factors bullying behaviour in school is also supported by the other factors such as peer influence partners.this will lead to the development and retention bully behaviour.usually,the bullies have their own group.when they are in the group,they will perform their acts of bullying.for them,bullying behaviour shown their their own power and they will be respected by the other addtional,they view their act will get attention from the other students and teachers.

rashidah said...

Salam... Here I just want to share another blog that are related about the factors of bullies. I read and I think all of you also must read it. It is good for your general knowledge. I hope you can try to read it and do not forget to open it. Here the URL. -rashidah

rashidah said...

Salam.... You are seeing me again. I am so glad to read our writing friends about the factors of bullies. Based on what are they said, a lot of causes being a bullies or a victim are because of their environment such as parent, friends, media and school. But for my opinion, the major causes in the phenomenon of bullying are caused by individual factor themselves. Why do I say so? It is because for the person who being the bullies, I think they enjoy to doing that. Sometimes, they think they can release their tension when they do that bullies. May be when at the home, they are the spoil person and they always get what are they want. So, when at school, they want everyone at school follow what are they said or do. Or may be at the home, they are the one who become a victim and they want to revenge their condition to someone else and that person becomes the bullies when at the school. On the other hand, for those who victim of bullying, may be they are fear to tell the teacher or their parent about their condition. This situation makes the bully increasingly bold to bullying them. They know that the person they bully will not tell anyone and make them more confident to bully again. So, all this situation that I just mention just now shows that individual factor always become the most important factor that make phenomenon of bullying become more serious. -rashidah-

dayah mohd said...

salam..dayah mohd be it's not too late from me to add something others i agreed that individual factors is the main's because individu is the one who are be a bully or the victims of bullies..we can see that almost a bully are the one that have a problem in home or in school..sometimes they do that because to get attention from the teacher or from their be a bully the can be be famous or others will afraid to them..just to get the attention and to be famous they willing to be a bully...for victims of bullies they be bully because they feel so bad about their self..they feel that there are weak, not good and not brave to face the bully...all of this can make them a individual factors is the most important causes for the bully phenomena..

dayah mohd said...

salam..dayah mohd here..for book Developmental Psychology Childhood and Adolescence (1996) there are some causes that some one become a bully. on the book,Pattterson (1982; Patterson et al 1989) explains that children with problems often live in the family considered as breeding grounds for anti-social behavior and hostile.
The family often coercive home environment where children and parents interact with each other by force or with techniques that other anti-social.The continued pressure will result in children, indirectly, had to learn techniques to continue safe in their families.Children will dare oppose their own parents and families to reduce the pressure felt by them. Eventually temperament and behavior are synonymous with their lives.Patterson (1982; Patterson et. Al 1989) that attitudes children and family environment that is not destructive could be recovered if they do not get help from the parties responsible..
other causes that i get is form Dr Noran. she said that the factors that cause bullying case is because the bully feels satisfied when he successfully injury victim verbally and physically.In other words, bullying bully other people just for "fun". Dr. Noran also find most of them involved in the bullying does not have a strong family relationship with parents and most of them come from families who do not care for religious education...

rashidah said...

Salam, I just read a lot of comment given there about the causes of the bully. Bullying is can be caused by a lot of reasons, here are some that I know.
1) Jealousy. The bully might be jealous because somebody else might be more pretty or popular from them and it become they want to bully someone else.
2) Maybe the bullies had been victims of other bullies or been abused by their parents or outside family member
3) Maybe they grew up thinking just learned as a baby that bulling is OK and don't know what they’re doing right or wrong.
4) Maybe they want to impress someone or want to be the center of attention.
5) Maybe they have mental problems such as anger issues that they can't control.
6) Maybe the victim of the bully had been mean to the bully before he/she started bullying that person.

Dayah Rosni said...

Salam... This is a full report of the causes of bullying in school. At least three or four pages that i will describe for this section.
Bullying is obsessive and compulsive. It means that it has to be someone that been bullied and appeared to be unable to survive without a current target. This phenomenon becomes worst especially in school. A bully is a person who has never learnt to accept responsibility for their behavior. They want to enjoy the benefits of living in the adult world, but who is unable and unwilling to accept the responsibilities that are a prerequisite for being part of the adult world. Otherwise, they abdicates and denies responsibility for their behavior and its consequences (abdication and denial are common features of bullying). Bullying behavior is a complex behavior. Children are not born as bullies. Bullying is unable and unwilling to recognize the effect of their behaviors on others. They do not know how to behave right to others.
There are many factors that affect a child is developed into bullies. The factors are including biological factors and behavior, the influence of family, friends and environment. Studies indicate that factors tempering individual, social, environmental risk and protection interact to determine the etiology bullying behavior (Espelage, Bosworth, and Simon, 2000; Verlinden, Herson and Thomas, 2000).
The factors are individual factors. There are two group of individual who are directly involved in bullying. Both group of individual is a key factor affecting the bullying behavior. Personality characteristics and attitudes an individual maybe the root cause of bullying behavior. They are the bullies and the victims of bullying. Bullies tend to assume that he is threatened and in danger. Bullies usually act as a justification to attack before the attack and support of aggressive behavior that has been done. In common, the bully consists of a strong physical self with a good appreciation and growing. Bullies do not have a sense of responsible action that they do, often feel controlled and want to dominate, and could not understand and appreciate others.
Individuals who bully are so often the children or students who are popular and act as a pressure group. Bully also difficult to control, and difficult to comply with social rules against children or other students. However, there are bullies who have the ability to understand and manipulate the minds of others. In this capacity, they are capable and able to act effectively without bullying can be detected by others.
Bully also consists of members of the group they tried to build and demonstrate their power to disrupt the group and threatening the child, or other students who are not members of their group (Rigby, 1994). Results from several studies show the bully might come from victims who have suffered acts of violence or flogging (Loeber and Hay, 1997; Verlinden, Herson and Thomas, 2000). This individual acts as a bully because of revenge. They are not able to respond to individuals who have been bullying them directly, as they choose and make individuals more vulnerable or retaliation. This action has been changing bullying victims become bullies.

Dayah Rosni... said...

Bullying is can be caused by a lot of reasons. Firstly is jealousy. The bully might be jealous because somebody else might be prettier or popular from them and it become they want to bully someone else. Second, maybe the bullies had been victims of other bullies or been abused by their parents or outside family member. Thirdly, maybe they grew up thinking just learned as a baby that bulling is fine and do not know what they are doing right or wrong. Forth, maybe they want to impress someone or want to be the center of attention. Fifth, maybe they have mental problems such as anger issues that they cannot control. Then, maybe the victim of the bully had been mean to the bully before he or she started bullying that person.
Bullies assume that he or she is threatened and in danger, and attacking before they were attacked by the other people. Usually, bullies behave so because they do not fear to the rules and school discipline. The bullies also have a clear lack of empathy attitude. So, it means that the bullies have a negative attitude such as control attitude and dominate the other person. Furthermore, factors bullying behavior in school is also supported by the other factors such as peer influence partners. This will lead to the development and retention bully behavior. Usually, the bullies have their own group. When they are in the group, they will perform their acts of bullying. For them, bullying behavior shown their own power and they will be respected by the other students. In additional, they view their act will get attention from the other students and teachers.
The person who being the bullies enjoy to doing that. Sometimes, they think they can release their tension when they do that bullies. May be when at the home, they are the spoil person and they always get what are they want. So, when at school, they want everyone at school follow what are they said or do. Or may be at the home, they are the one who become a victim and they want to revenge their condition to someone else and that person becomes the bullies when at the school. On the other hand, for those who victim of bullying, may be they are fear to tell the teacher or their parent about their condition. This situation makes the bully increasingly bold to bullying them. They know that the person they bully will not tell anyone and make them more confident to bully again. So, all this situation that I just mention just now shows that individual factor always become the most important factor that make phenomenon of bullying become more serious.

Dayah Rosni... said...

Bullying victim is a person who becomes a target for a variety of aggressive behavior. In other words, victims of bullying mean that who are being bullied or bully target. Children often become victims of bullying typically highlight the characteristics of internal behaviors such as being passive, sensitive, quiet, weak and will not respond if attacked or harassed (Nansel et al., 2001). In general, these children have self-confidence competent, weak, depressed, and always in fear. Victims of bullying are weaker than the bully. Usually choose to bully bullied. Cause of an individual or student is being bullies because they have variations in themselves. Individuals especially students who are different or variant from others, usually have potential for bullying. Bullies usually see and find the variations that exist on the victim, and thus make the difference as an excuse to allow these actions. Students who viewed nature and pampered like asserting than others have a high risk to be victims of bullying.
Second, the physical characteristics are in themselves. Students who have physical characteristics such as have a deficiency in terms of physical characteristics, a high level of anxiety, social skills and a low potential for victims of bullying that are often targeted to poor bullied by the peers (Egan and Perry, 1998). By reason of a physical characteristic of weak, making the individual is the target of bullying to the bully of the most secure.
Third, the victims are provocative person. Olweus (1993) found that there are victims of bullying who behave in annoying others around him. Victims of bullying behavior are causing provocation of others, around them, and also trigger negative reactions from others. Victims of bullying provocative directly lure or attract bullies to bully them. They also often generate anger others to bully them through the use of words offensive (Matusova, 1997). Students also said to have an easy fight nature, ill-tempered, and behave the offensive to others.
Forth is personality characteristics in itself. Students with characteristics of a weak personality as shy, passive, lifeless and not the potential to become a victim of bullying (Nesbitt, 1999). They are students who do not have self-confidence and less popular among their peers. Weakness psychology students this seems to give signals to the bully that they are individuals or students who are easily bullied. Bullies often assume that this group of students is an individual who is not able to respond to bullying actions performed.
Then, the victims of bullying always be alone. Attitudes of students who have withdrawn and not to protect a friend or share a problem that is often exposed to risk for being bullied. Students in this group are students who are ignored by others. In bullying, victims of bullying among students who are withdrawn, treated as a "classic bully victim" by the bullies, especially if the victim was crying and less easy to fight or respond (Seppa, 1996). Last but not least, the victims are a new people. Students who become new people or "junior" among the partners also have the potential to be victims of bullying. As a new school, or in the classroom, students are not able to adjust to the school and classroom environment. Students usually do not have a friend who can protect or help them to solve problems. Thus students will become the easiest targets for bullying.
Individual is the one who are being a bully or the victims of bullies. We can see that almost the bully is the one that have a problem in home or in school. Sometimes they do that because to get attention from the teacher or from their family. By be a bully the can be famous or others will afraid to them. They just want to get the attention and to be famous they willing to be a bully. Victims of bullies can become a bully because they feel so bad about their self. They feel that there are weak, not good and not brave to face the bully. All of this can make them as the victims.

Dayah Rosni... said...

Actually, children behavior especially students, who are become bullies or victims of bullying were developed from other factors. From that, we have to know what the exactly causes that would comes towards in this issue. A number of different factors have been identified which contribute to bullying problems. For me, the major factors of the bullying in school are family factors and school factors itself. This article said that mostly causes of bullies in school are less attention from family and teachers in school. (
Family background plays an important role in shaping feature bullying behavior. Home and the family is the main contributed of bullying problems. A number of child-rearing styles have been found to predict whether children will grow up to be aggressive bullies. Parents often tend to form quarrelling children at risk to become more aggressive. Use of excessive force and action in an effort to discipline children by parents, guardians and teachers indirectly encourage bullying behavior among children (Goleman, 1995). A lack of attention and warmth toward the child, together with modeling of aggressive behavior at home, and poor supervision of the child, provide the perfect opportunity for aggressive and bullying behavior to occur. Their children being ill-tempered and aggressive behavior is the most appropriate and effective to achieve a goal. These children receive instruction indirectly against that action is a way for them to solve problems.
Modeling of aggressive behavior may also include use of physical and verbal aggression toward the child by parents, or use of physical and verbal aggression by parents toward each other. The connection between witnessing wife assault by children, particularly male children, and bully behavior by children toward peers, has not been well studied, but studies do indicate that aggressive behavior of all kinds is elevated in children who witness violence by their father toward their mother. In addition, the lack of religious and moral education at home also can contribute bullying in school. If a child is given proper moral and religious training at home he or she will not turn into a bully. A person who received sound moral and religious training is always afraid to exhibit wrongdoings (bullying for example). Besides training their children, parents too should set an example. Parents must exhibit religious and moral etiquette to their children.
In the book of Developmental Psychology Childhood and Adolescence (1996), Pattterson (1982; Patterson et al 1989) explains that children with problems often live in the family considered as breeding grounds for anti-social behavior and hostile. The family often coercive home environment when children and parents interact with each other by force or with techniques that other anti-social. The continued pressure will result in children, indirectly, had to learn techniques to continue safe in their families. Children will dare oppose their own parents and families to reduce the pressure felt by them. Eventually temperament and behavior are synonymous with their lives. Dr Noran said that the factors that cause bullying case is because the bully feels satisfied when he successfully injury victim verbally and physically. In other words, bullying bully other people just for "fun". Dr. Noran also find most of them involved in the bullying does not have a strong family relationship with parents and most of them come from families who do not care for religious education.

Dayah Rosni... said...

Reports based on American Medical Association (AMA) Council on Scientific Affairs (CSA), said that child bullying because of the influences as follows. Children because of bullying may mimic the aggressive behavior of treated themselves at home or witnessing aggressive actions that are treated to the family. For example the father abused the mother, siblings or other abused in front. Child living in families who met with domestic violence will teach children that violence and terrorism is an effective and appropriate way to achieve or get something especially if they do not get counseling or defense from anyone. The main factor that cause children get involved with symptoms of bullying and other antisocial behavior is the presence of other children who become supporters make him feel a strength because the reach and popularity status.
The school factors also produce the cause of bullying in school. Environment, practices, and policies influence school activities, behaviors, and student interaction at school. Feeling safe and valued is the basis of high academic achievement in school. If these requirements are not met, students may act to control their environment by doing anti-social behavior such as bullying of other people. Practices and policies of a school will indirectly affect how students interact, the activities performed and their behavior. Bullying and aggressive actions of children is said to have connection with the school teacher who frequently exchange, weak administration, student discipline methods are not always consistent, guidelines on a behavior that is considered wrong is not clear and that monitoring is not conducted properly. The social context and supervision at school have been shown to play a major part in the frequency and severity of bullying problems. Management and supervision of school discipline that lead to the existence of weak bullying behavior in schools (Pearce and Thompson, 1998).
Potential for bullying behavior also exists among students as a result of crowded conditions and lack of classroom teachers. The school also has a problem such as burden of teachers work, lack of financial support, lack of attention from the education office and others.
This will cause the student cannot be supervised and controlled, and eventually the situation became such a contributor to the occurrence of bullying behavior among school students. Besides, while teachers and administrators do not have control over individual and family factors which produce children who are inclined to bully, bullying problems can be greatly reduced in severity by appropriate supervision, intervention and climate in a school.

Dayah Rosni... said...

The factors that most likely once the peer. According to O'Connell et al., 1996; Verlinden et al., 2000, peers play a role no less important to the development and strengthening of bullying behavior, antisocial attitudes and misconduct among children. The presence of peers as audience, indirectly helping the bully has a support (power), popularity, and status. Bully indirectly aware of the support (power) and receive reinforcement through peer social behavior of bullies that they do against the victim. In most situations bullying, or peer witnesses who saw acts of bullying, usually take the attitude remain silent and refused to intervene. They think that if they intervene or tell others about bullying behavior that was witnessed by their, would invite disaster response and the worse of themselves and bully victims.
Failure to act or react to report cases of bullying, the behavior will ultimately strengthen the bully and continue to tolerate bullying behavior is done indiscriminately. If this situation persists, the bully will increasingly bold, while we will remain silent as his friend, according to impressions as bullies and put ourselves as offenders who get stuck with these symptoms. For bullying victims, they will always be in fear to find a friend or meeting with friends at school and they also tend to find their peers at the same or they become victims of bullying will also be withdrawn as long as they get bullied. However, peers can also become barriers to the popularity if they sided with the victims of bullying often they will just quietly and did not dare make any action for fear of threats and so for.
Apart from that, the factors of bullying in school include of media factors. New research suggests that children's media exposure is a big factor in whether or not they become bullies at school. It came from the source from internet, the cartoons, TV's and media and movie create bullies. Harvard's Centre on Media and Child Health has found that children learn socially acceptable behavior from television and movies and then model that in the playground. Here I would like to share with you all what Pediatrics instructor at Harvard Medical School David Beckham is attending a forum at Adelaide's Flinders University said, “If we look at media and you look at the way violence is presented in the media, you see violence as being very popular and very exciting, and having very few consequences”. He add, “So if a young person has grown up with that being the primary source of information about violence, then it’s easy to understand why we would be concerned that they would learn that behaving aggressively in school is something that would lead to lots of positive social outcomes”. Dr. Beckham says the media can affect children's behavior by portraying violence and aggression as the norm.

Dayah Rosni... said...

Indeed violent action film or a television show on the screen, video compact disc (VCD), digital video disk (DVD) and others are among the factors that encourage children to violent actions such as bullied. Children will often imitate and try to realize what is seen on television in their daily lives and when they have begun to do so memorable, they will see violence as a positive attitude. The effect will be more significant for children with emotional problems, learning problems, difficult to control themselves and behavioral disorders experience.
As a result, the factors of bullying in school are too many. The major factor is cause by individual. Then it supported by family, school, peers, media and so on. In my opinion, the symptoms of bullying will continue if all the steps that should be submitted not materialize.
And the factors that drive these symptoms occur is usually will reduce the functions of the form that is not good behavior for the better.
As a person who concern about this issue, all the factors have to co-operate to understand their respective roles in shaping children or teenagers to have moral values and thus makes the noble character of every child and young person who is successful in later life.
So..That,s all my report.. I hope it will help all of you to see the factors set out in more orderly of the causes of bullying in school..

Dayah Rosni... said...

Indeed violent action film or a television show on the screen, video compact disc (VCD), digital video disk (DVD) and others are among the factors that encourage children to violent actions such as bullied. Children will often imitate and try to realize what is seen on television in their daily lives and when they have begun to do so memorable, they will see violence as a positive attitude. The effect will be more significant for children with emotional problems, learning problems, difficult to control themselves and behavioral disorders experience.
As a result, the factors of bullying in school are too many. The major factor is cause by individual. Then it supported by family, school, peers, media and so on. In my opinion, the symptoms of bullying will continue if all the steps that should be submitted not materialize.
And the factors that drive these symptoms occur is usually will reduce the functions of the form that is not good behavior for the better.
As a person who concern about this issue, all the factors have to co-operate to understand their respective roles in shaping children or teenagers to have moral values and thus makes the noble character of every child and young person who is successful in later life.
So..That,s all my report.. I hope it will help all of you to see the factors set out in more orderly of the causes of bullying in school..