Wednesday, January 6, 2010

bullies... guess what ???

hye my friend.. i'm sue.. for the started let's me share with u all about what bully realy are..
wanna know about the details??
ahakzzz, continuous ur reading..
from my u/stnding, Bullying is an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person. behavior may include calling, verbal or written abuse, exclusion from activities, exclusion from activities, physical abuse or coercion..
in terms of school bulling, bullying occur in all area of school. it can occur in nearly any part in or around the school building, though it more often occurs in recess, hallways, bathrooms, on school buses and waiting for buses and many more.
bullying in school sometimes consists of a group of student taking advantage of or isolating one student in particular and gaining the loyalty of bystanders who want yo avoid becoming the next victim.
i think that all from me.. thanks for ur time


dayah mohd said...

hello frenz...i'm daia...i agree with sue in term of bully is an aggressive person who intimidates or mistreats weaker people...n some of bullies may threaten people or try to make them do things that they don't want to do....

rashidah said...

salam... based on my reading an article in the internet,, Tattum and Tattum (1992) said the definition of bullying is the wilful, conscious desire to hurt another and put him/her under stress, in another word thus bullying was conceived as a desire. so, sue ur opinion is exactly correct hehehehe.... -rashidah-

dayah mohd said...

good morning everyone...i just read an article in the internet about "Bullying It Surrounds Us In Our Daily Lives" this article said that bullying is any intentional, repeated hurtful act – including inflicting physical pain, name-calling, exclusion, defacing property, hurtful pranks and public humiliation...

hidayah rosni said... r u there..its interesting when i look from the other's, i want to share a few things about this issue..firstly, i want to add my opinion to elobrate the definition..actually, in Oxford Dictionary 7th edition, "bully" means a person who uses their strenght or power to fringhten or hurt weaker people..some type of bullies that will be ways to frigthen some one are by calling them names, saying or writing a nusty things about them, leaving them out of activities, not talking with them, threatening them, making them feel uncomfortable or scared, taking or damaging their things, hitting or kicking them, or making them do things they don't want to do..from here, it shows that bullies is a negative value that can put the weaker person in danger..i hope after this, have more information about bullies especially the information of bullies in school in this blog..see u next time..arios..

syamsuri said...

salam,,i.m syamsuri..i agree with you...for me bullies some kind like aggresive attitude.

syamsuri said...

salam,hye i'm syam..have you heared about bullies in school? bullying has been defined in many ways.It can be defined as a specific type of aggression in which the behaviour is intended to harm or disturb.The behaviour occurs repeatedly over time, and when there is an imbalance of power,with a more powerful person or group attacking a less powerful one.

dayah mohd said...

salam...hello's not too late from me to add something about the definition for bullies...based on my reading from the book of "Dealing With Bullying" by Yvette Solomon and John Colemon the author said that when someone teasing you and the teasing become nasty and one-sided and is really meant to hurt, it becomes i can say that when someone teasing you and you can not accept the teasing it means that you have been bullies by that...

rashidah said...

Salam,a student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative acts on the part of one or more other students. This is call definition of bully. It is a negative action when someone intentionally inflicts, or attempts to inflict, injury or discomfort upon another. Bullying may involve physical aggression such as fighting, shoving, or kicking, verbal aggression such as name calling; or more subtle acts such as socially isolating another child. With the increase in numbers of personal computers at home, youth have also learned to use email and websites to bully or harass others. So, be carefull.. hehe

rashidah said...

Hehe.. you meet me again, so do not bored with me.. Actually I just read some information that interact me to share it with all of you about the definition of bully. I just read it at http:// So, in that pages say that bullying can be defined as the use of one's strength or status to intimidate, injure, or humiliate another person of lesser strength or status. Bullying can be categorized as physical, verbal, or social. Physical bullying involves physical injury or threat of injury to someone, while verbal bullying refers to teasing or insulting someone. Social bullying refers to the use of peer rejection or exclusion to humiliate or isolate a victim. Bullying must be distinguished from other forms of peer aggression or conflict, bullying always involves a power imbalance between the bully and the victim (Besag, 1989; Olweus, 1993). If you want more information, you can visit that URL because I think a lot of information about this bully phenomenon that can interact you to read it. I hope you can open that URL okay. Salam..

sue89 said...

hye. i'm i'm would like to add my point about bullying ar school.
Bullying at school takes many forms. Bullying is a repeated aggressive action by an individual or group in order to intentionally hurt another person. Bullies use intimidation, peer pressure and physical violence to gain power over others. Bullying has many forms and is prevalent among adolescents, teens and young adults, but often goes unreported.
Bullies harass individuals they perceive as weak, unwilling or unable to fight back. They target people based on sexual orientation as well as individuals with submissive personalities, physical or mental differences, above or below-average weight or speech and motor skill difficulties. But anyone, regardless of appearance or social standing, can become a victim.
Intentional bullying includes name-calling, hitting, pushing, spreading rumors, destroying property and using threatening words or behaviors to harm a specific individual or group. In each case, the intention is to coerce or influence the victim's behavior, actions or lifestyle in order to gain power over that person.
i think that all from me.. see you soon.. bye-bye..