Monday, February 22, 2010

bullies solution..

salam..dayah mohd bullies is a problem for society worldwide and should be stopped to make school safer and healthier place for students. the solution involve coorperation between the school, the teacher, the individual, the parents, the media and the community.
1. the school
- locate the areas and to note the time where and when bullying activities are most likely to
- example place such as bathrooms, areas behind school block and others are the target to
- place the teacher on duty to the areas that bullies happen.
- organize talk on the bullies
2. the teacher
- teach the subjects such as moral and religious eduction.
- encouraged students to involve students creating classroom rules against bullies.
- talk about bullies in class.
3. the individual
- mix with good friends.
- report bullies to school
- join the club that training the skills to prevent bullies such as 'Cadet Police Club' or 'Criminal
4. the parents
- sets an example behavior at home for their children to follow like a good behavior.
- give proper training moral and religion at home.
- spare time with children so that parents will know about the children
5. the media
- should not screen films of violence and sexual contents to avoid immoral behavior.
- screen the film with a good behavior.
6. the comunity
- helps school to prevent bullies


rashidah said...

Salam, I am rashidah… Here I want to share something about solution of bullying that Dayah Mohd did. For my opinion, everyone have their responsibility to prevent these bully phenomena. Not just parent or school, but the individual that was bullied also must report if they were bullied by other children. If they do not do like that, they may be cause other children being a victim of bulling. But, here still the parent was played the most important role to make sure their children told them what happen in school. Nowadays, everyone like to wait for someone else to solve the problem of bullying, in particular people expect the government to come up with a solution. Surely the natural instinct of a parent who discovers that their child is being attacked is to protect that child; they did not to expect the government to do something about it. The natural response by parent is wanted to change their children school if their children were bullied by teacher or other children. People are reluctant to follow their feelings on this because they are frightened of the consequences (a sign that it is the whole family and not just the children who are being bullied in this situation) but they see only the things that they stand to lose and not the things that they stand to gain. Parents who have kept their children at home instead of sending them into a school in which they are being bullied report that their relationship with their children improves dramatically; that their children's relationships with each other improves dramatically; that their children become more polite and helpful around the house; that their children show more interest in reading; that their children start to ask questions again; that their children take more responsibility and that the whole tenor of family life improves out of all recognition. If a lot of parents took this step then even more dramatic changes would result. Schools could not continue treating children the way they do if parents removed children who were not happy. In such circumstances, schools that could not care properly for children would close down, and the schools that remained would have to focus on serving the needs of children instead of children being made to serve the needs of the school. So, parent must think carefully before talk and do because if they talk or do something wrong, it will own self consuming and effect their children future.

syamsuri said...

Salam,i am syam. There are many ways that can be done to liberate children from acts of bully.The role should be play by the parents is to increase social opportunities to encourage children to participate in their community activities.This commitment from the children in community actvities,can make they can communicate with other communities.This process can increasing self esteem among children so they have skill of friendship.From that they can make their friend in school.

Dayah Rosni said...

Hai guys .. Sorry because not long visit this blog .. Sorry also because not enter comments on the posts you all .. Okay .. From what I read in a posting about measures to prevent the symptoms of bullying by Dayah Mohd, everything is correct and indeed we should call all parties together to help curb or at least reduce the symptoms of bullying .. In addition, I would like to add a little about this part. Indeed all parties will come down together to curb this. Usually, the parties will be regarded as a systematic body that will successfully move a thing. So, in this matter, the school is one of the body can play curb bullying.
However, schools need support from the community, especially parents to tackle bullying. Parents play an important role in bullying prevention and intervention programs because they are among the most recognize, and closely with the children. To achieve this aspiration, parents need to be supplied with some skill. So they have to know thw skills. There are:
1. How to identify children who become victims of bullying?
2. How to make your child free from bullying behavior?
3. What to do if your child is a bully?

Ha... Till here first .. I later connect again .. hehehe =)

sue89 said...

salam everyone.. ermm, solution for the bullies.. that what i am waiting for, and i think it was a most interesting part in our discussion.
for me, to solve this problem is not so easy but it need full commitment. i agree with all of you about your point view.. however for this time i just want to talk about how parents can stop the bullies cases from become more serious.
Parents should be alert to the early warning signs of harassment, including changes in the child's appearance or behavior.
1)Torn, damaged or missing clothing, books, or belongings are clues to harassment.
2)Unexplained injuries also may signal physical harassment.
3)Children may be fearful about attending school, walking to the bus, or they may lose interest in schoolwork.
4)They may choose an unusual route to get to school.
5)Emotional changes may be another sign of the stress of harassment; these changes include unexpected mood shifts or poor appetite, headaches and stomachaches. Children may even steal money from family members rather than admit harassment.

syamsuri said...

hye,it's me again...i'm i want to share about the solution to prevent bullies.there are several methods that can be done to make children to be firm and not aggresive.From the situation,this can increase children self confidence with encouraging them to mix with peers to develop interest,talent and their competent so that they feel proud of themselves and capability.

Dayah Rosni said...

Salam .. Meet again .. I want to connect to the post comments section. Based on comments I ever was before, I have skills that indicate parents should have in an effort to curb bullying .. The first is how to identify children who are victims of bullying?
So, let us focus on what I mean with the above skills ..
other than fear and shame, there are various reasons why bullying behavior concealed by children from the knowledge of adults, especially parents. Parents should always be vigilant against signs that indicate that their children being bullied. Some signs that indicate their children may be victims of bullying are:-
1. Afraid to walk to school or returning from school, or do not want to come to the school directly.
2. Request to be sent to school or ask parents to use other roads to schools.
3. Began to show a decline in learning achievement in schools.
4. Often return home with clothes in rags, or ever lost his goods.
5. Always a lack of pocket money.
6. Changed attitude became a love remain silent, illiterate and tried to kill himself.
7. Always crying during sleep and often have dreams and nightmares.
8. Often give different reasons psikosomatik that strange, for example, is abdominal pain, dizziness and fatigue in the morning, especially when they want to go to school.
9. Always provides a variety of reasons that had no basis to avoid school.
10. Always alone and has no friends.

okay .. I will later connect again ..

Dayah Rosni said...

Salam .. I continue to write more .. =)
For this skill: - How to make your child free from bullying behavior?
There are several ways and steps that can be taken by parents to make their children free from bullying behavior. According to Azizi Hj Yahya,. 2007, several measures proposed to the parents is as follows : -
1. Increase social opportunities for children to encourage them to engage in community activities and collectively, such as association and voluntary work.
2. Teaching children being firm (not aggressive). increase self-confidence by encouraging them drive away with peers to develop interests, talents, and they are competent. With this, they feel proud of themselves and their capabilities.
3. Teaching children about self-resilience, self-discipline and physical ability self-confidence. All this can be obtained through participation in martial arts such as silat and karate.
4. Discuss scenarios bullying behavior in schools with children wisely. Talk with them about what they have pass all day at school. With this, parents can keep their children in school, and in addition, children can express their desires and problems to parents.
Okay .. So see you after this .. There is another skill that I want to share .. Salam ..=)

Dayah Rosni said...

Salam guys .. Once again I want to give comment .. Parents should have the last skill, as measures to curb bullying among their children .. This skill is based on questions: - What to do if your child is a bully?
Many parents are less aware that their child has been bullied, or become bullies. Cause they are less with or talk to their children. Typically, the parents feel surprised when they know that their child is involved with a bully or bullying behavior. They are often being denied, do not believe, and defend themselves. Children that bullying is also trying to blame the victim of bullying behavior and bullying actions performed. Parents need to study and investigate the evidence about bullying behavior of their children carefully. Bullies must learn that bullying behavior is not acceptable and if they continue to behave so, then there will be impact of the act. Children who bully must be given incentives so that they can change. They should not be left to continue doing that. According to Azizi Hj Yahya,. 2007, these steps can be used as a guide for dealing with children who become bullies: --
1. Try to be calm and not defensive. investigate incidents that occur; why your child become bullies, and what you can do to help in resolving this problem.
2. Discuss with your child. reassure him that you still love him and stay. Do not accept any excuse, however, explain that bullying behavior is behavior that can not be accepted. Find the cause which led him bullying and try to find way to solve the problem.
3. Encourage your child to be responsible for actions that do. Discuss and try to earn action for change bullying behavior he was doing.
4. Constantly monitor the behavior and the behavior of your child, especially when they behave aggressively.
5. Specified limit your child's behavior. help your child to behave as required.
6. Show a good behavior to your child.
7. Drills your child, to show empathy towards stress and misery suffered by others.
8. Create opportunities for your child to be able to develop talents. Praise should be given to the good things done.
9. Help your child plan activities in learning and recreational.

okay la .. that's all from me .. I hope what I'll say above, can help curb the growing incidence of bullying now.. salam to you all ..

dayah mohd said...

salam...dayah mohd here...thankz for all your comment in my part..i just want to say something about what rasyidah had said...for me parents should not keep their children who are the victims of bullies..they should sent their children back to school and tell the teachers about what happen to their children...parents should support their children and try to solve the's not a good way to parents keep their children it can make their children life worse and the person who are bullied their children can bullied other children...

dayah mohd said... syamsuri said that victims of bully should take part in community activites...for me it's is one of the advantages for the victims if they joined the community joined the activities they can forget about what happen to them in school and the can try to be confident and feel good about's is good if the can mix with community by the activities that they joined...from this activities they will be brave and will protect themselve from be bullied again...

dayah mohd said...

salam...dayah mohd here..thank dayah rosni for all your's give me some of information about how parents can konw if their children be bullied or the bully...yes parents role is important in the bullied's because parents are the one who close to the children and the one who children can share or tell their it's important to parents to take part to solve the bullied problems...parents can ask their children if the saw that their children had changed their behaivor like what dayah rosni's important for parent too be alert about their children changes...and it's important to parents not simply angry or feel bad if their children are the bully..but they should know why their children be bully...purnishment can not solve the problem..parents can site together with their children and try to advised their children so that they can change to better as i said and others said parents play important part to solve the bullies problem..

dayah mohd said...

salam..dayah mohd again..thankz sue for your comment in my other you are the one again said that parents should take part to solve this problem...i just want to add something here..yes as you know parents are the one who are close to their children..parents should give their children a good showing a good example children can follow and develop good behavior's is important because parents are the modal for i said in my post before this...if the parents show not a good example they can causes bad attitude to their children...mostly, the bully is the one who came from a family that are not well organize and sometimes their parents like to beat their children..that why their children be a bully in for me again i said that parents should play part to solve the bully problem...

rashidah said...

Salam, I just read a lot of comment given there about the solution of the bully. So I think that solution can be use by someone who becomes a bully or a victim. This is hotline for the person who become the victim or bully or who saw it which is 1-800-884774. I think this is the best solution right? Besides that, like I just say for my previous comment, the individual factor is the most important solution that can prevent this bully phenomena. So that do you witness of bullying? Are you a bystander? So, you aren't someone who bullies others, and you haven't been bullied yourself. But if you see it happening to others, you can help put a stop to it. In order to stop bullying, everyone needs to lend a hand and get involved. And even though it might be easier to stand by and watch or try to ignore the bullying, just remember, we all need a little help from time to time! Think about how you might feel if the bullying was happening to you. There are all kinds of great things you can do to help. So the next time you see someone being bullied, try one or more of these ideas and make a real difference. You as a someone that saw the bully incident can report the bullying to an adult. Many kids who are bullied are scared to tell an adult about it especially a teacher or principal, because they are afraid the person bullying them will find out and the bullying will just get worse. That's where you come in. Even if it's a little scary for you to tell an adult about bullying that you see, it's the right thing to do. It's not tattling – you're helping someone out. Who should you tell? You could tell your teacher, school counselor, school nurse, parents, coach, or any adult you feel comfortable talking with. It might be a little less scary if you ask a friend to go along with you. Be sure to tell the adult exactly what happened – who was bullied, who did the bullying, and where and when it happened. If you're not sure if another kid is being bullied but you think they probably are it's good to report that, too. Most adults really care about bullying and will be very glad that you told them about it. If you told an adult and you don't think they did anything about the bullying or if it isn't getting any better, find another adult to tell. So, decides it as a intelligent person… hehe

rashidah said...

Salam.. You meet me again. Here I just want to continue what is my group member said. Like what are they said, they mention that the role of parent are the most important. It different from me that I think the individual factor is the most important to prevent this bully phenomena. Yes, I admit that the role of parent is important but if the individual by self do not change their attitude, so how to prevent this bully phenomena.. For my opinion, no one can change someone attitude except by himself or herself. Do not expect that someone else can solve this phenomenon of bully except you. So, think carefully what just I say ok…. bye

dayah mohd said...

salam dayah mohd here...after all discussion, here are full report on how to prevent bullies...

Since bullying happens in school, the school should take the initiative step to encounter bullying. The first and most important step is to locate the areas and to note the time where and when bullying activities are most likely to occur. Bearing this in mind, strict measures must be taken by the school authority to avoid the slightness chance for bullying activities to occur. Usually, places such as the bathrooms, hallways in between classes, lunchrooms, toilets, areas behind the school blocks, the store rooms and playgrounds are the target to bullies. Nevertheless places such as the route to school, the bus stop and the school bus itself are not to be neglected.

To control bullying, it is necessary for the school authority to place teachers on duty, school staff and elder students at these areas on the specified time. By doing so, bullying activity can be monitored and be put under control. Besides that, installing CCTV cameras at these areas can monitor bullying activities and can catch the bullies red-handed. CCTV cameras are also a form of threat to bullies. As such, bullying activities can be put under control. Installing CCTV cameras throughout the school building and compound may pinch the school budget. To save cost, besides installing CCTV cameras at the strategic location, it is advisable to install mock cameras at location that are not prone to bullying activities. These mock cameras are fixed to threat the bullies.

Next, the school should make special emphasis on the issue of bullying in the subjects such as Moral and Religious Education so that pupils realize that bullying is immoral and a serious offence. Pupils should also be told of the negative effect of bullying and the punishment to bullies. They must also be told to avoid being involved either directly or indirectly in the activity. Besides that, the school should organize talks on the subject from time to time by inviting officers from the police or NGOs. In other words, pupils must have a sound knowledge of bullying and always be on the move to eradicate bullying.

dayah mohd said...

salam dayah mohd continue report....

Another solution to prevent bullying is that students should receive training on how to prevent bullying and how to respond to bullying. This can be done so by encouraging them to actively participate in the school “Cadet Police Club” or the “Criminal Defensive Club” where they are given proper training to combat against bullying. The club members should also be encouraged to impart and share their knowledge with friends who are not in the club. This will help their friends who are not in the club to encounter any bullying situations if they have face to.

The school too, should develop and institute a comprehensive policy for addressing and tackling the issue of bullying. The school staff, students, and parents should be made known of the policy. This can be done so by holding public meetings and encouraging parents and other concerned community members to attend. Formal and informal discussions on how to remedy bullying should be held from time. Next, all school staff, including teachers, administrators, guidance counselors, food service worker, and secretarial staff, should be trained in how to intervene bullying and they should be authorized to intervene bullying situations there and then if they see a child is being harassed or being bullied.

One point that is worth taken into account is that students should be taught on how to seek friends. They should be trained to mix with good friends and be discouraged from mixing with bad companies. The culture of their friends have a good impact on their culture. Having good friends will turn us into a good and respectable person. As a student, one must avoid mixing with bad company and to refrain from bullies to avoid ending up oneself becoming a bully.

Students cooperation with the school authority can be of good help to eradicate bullying activities. Students should be trained to be brave enough to inform the school authority should they see students being bullied or they themselves fall into victim of a bully. By taking immediate steps to report bullying activity to the authority, bullying activity can be easily turned off before it can be spread. This will in turn create a pleasant school environment.

The school authorities on the other hand should not neglect reports of bullying incidents from students. The authorities must pick the bully immediately and call the parents to discuss the problems and overcome the situation with stern and remedial measures. Deterrent law should be enforced to bullies to avoid further occurrence and incidence. The school authorities should apply the same law to all bullies no matter who they are or from what class of society they belong. The school authorities should not be afraid to implement strict laws to bullies failing which there will be recurrence.

dayah mohd said...

salam dayah mohd my continue report..

Parents too, play an important role in the prevention of bullying. Parents should set an exemplary behavior at home for their children to follow. Parents are the so called “model” for their children. If parents dispose excellent characters and good habits at home, their children will naturally follow their characters and habits wherever they are. Thus their children will not pose as an undesirable element at school. Parents too should also inculcate moral and religious training at home. A person who receives proper moral and religious training will expose good characters, avoid bad characters and refrain from wrongdoings such as bullying.

Besides spending time working for the family needs, parents too should spare their time with their children, show their love, pay attention to them and try to solve petty problems that exist among them. Parental care and attention are very important to children, lacking which they will seek attention from other outlets. This may end up with anti social behavior and seeking attention from bad companies as a result they become anti social elements in schools such as bullies.

In the prevention and intervention of bullying, parents play an important role because they are the most recognized person by their children and they are also closely attached to their children. To achieve this aspiration, parents should have some knowledge on bullying:
a) Parents should always be vigilant against signs that indicate that their child are being bullied – The most common symptoms of a bullying victim that parents should know are: Children comes home with torn clothing, missing books or belongings; unexplained body injury due to physical harassment; children may be fearful to attend school or walking to the bus or may ask their parents to accompany them to school; emotional changes such as fear due to stress of mental harassment; hungry due to loss of pocket money; a decline in academic performance.
b) Parents should also know how to make their child free from bullying behavior: by giving them moral guidance and inculcating loving habits to friends; by encouraging them to be involved in social activities in their committee; by teaching them self discipline; by discussing bullying scenarios and explaining to them the consequences, and
c) Parents should know what to do if their child is a bully. Here, parents should be brave enough to bring the matter to the school authorities and discuss ways and means to have the problems solved.
Bullying can be easily avoided and stopped by parents at an early stage if they possess such knowledge and take proper and immediate steps to curb bullying situations.

Another point that is worth considered is that parents should take positive steps to encounter bullying situations if their child is involved either as a bully or as a bullying victim. They should be brave enough to discuss the matter with school authorities in order to solve the bullying situations. Negative thinking such as hiding the matter by transferring their children to another school does not help solve bullying situations. If their child is a bully, the child will become a bully in the new school and prey for new victims. And if their child is a victim of a bully, the bully in the former school will still remain as an unidentified bully.

Parents should also encourage their children to be involved in social activities by participating in the community activities organized by the local committee such as “bergotong-royong” that is helping each other in keeping the surround area clean, keeping the mosque clean, or organizing talks or “ceramah” that will benefit the members of the community as a whole. Such commitment by children will help them to develop cooperation, tolerance, friendship, communicating skills and team work. This informal commitment is an important training to children that will help them to grow up as individuals that are free from undesired elements such as bullies.

dayah mohd said...

salam dayah mohd last report from me....
The community as a whole should also have to work together about bullying. School bullying is a challenge that affects the entire community. The community should be ready to help schools deal effectively with bullying problems. Law enforcement officers, representatives of juvenile justice, business owners, faith community members, attorneys, and local mental health and social service experts can share expertise, resources, and skills with the school authorities and should come forward voluntarily to help solve bullying problems. The involvement of the community is imperative in prevention and solving cases of bullying.

Mass media, whether electronic media, internet media or print media should perform social duty to stop school bullying. The electronic media should not screen films of violence and sexual content to avoid students from imitating such immoral behaviour. The media can play a very important role to help rising the awareness about the phenomenon and can also contribute to the prevention of school bullying. This can be done by screening films that depict the awareness of bad implication of bullying. The print media too can contribute this awareness by distributing to schools and students pamphlets on the consequences of bullying and on how to tackle bullying situations. The media is a very powerful tool, if used right, it will be a great help for those fighting against school bullying. People working with the media should be trained on how to choose and collaborate with the right materials for the media in order to reach this target.

Children should have the fundamental right to feel safe in school with a healthy learning atmosphere and surroundings. School bullying is a big problem to them and must be put to a stop. It is clear that it takes teamwork to stop bullying. Students, parents, teachers, schools, the community and the mass media should cooperate and contribute the awareness to make the school a safer and healthier learning institution.