Tuesday, January 26, 2010

ohh bullying !!! What the causes???

Salam..Hai guys..Ahlan Wahsahlan...
Do you know me?? I'm Dayah Rosni..
Oh ho.. It’s too many definition of bullies.. When I read the previous entry, I felt scared you know..Hehehe...
Bullying is obsessive and compulsive. It means that it has to be someone that been bullied and appeared to be unable to survive without a current target. This phenomenon becomes worst especially in school. A bully is a person who has never learnt to accept responsibility for their behavior. They want to enjoy the benefits of living in the adult world, but who is unable and unwilling to accept the responsibilities that are a prerequisite for being part of the adult world. Otherwise, they abdicates and denies responsibility for their behavior and its consequences (abdication and denial are common features of bullying).
Bullying behavior is a complex behavior. Children are not born as bullies. Bullying is unable and unwilling to recognize the effect of their behaviors on others. They do not know how to behave right to others.
There are many factors that affect a child develop into bullies. The factors including biological factors and behavior, the influence of family, friends and environment. studie indicate taht factors tempering individual, social, environmental risk adn protection interact to determine the etiology bullying behavior (Espelage, Bosworth, and simon, 2000; Verlinden, Herson and Thomas, 2000).
I want to touch on three factors that led to the symptoms of bullying. The factors are :-
There are 2 group of individual who are directly involved in bullying. Both group of individual is a key factor affecting the bullying behavior. Personality characteristics and attitudes an individual maybe the root cause of bullying behavior. They are :-
> The Bullies
> The Victims of Bullying
  • The Bullies
Bullies tend to assume that he is treatened and in danger. Bullies usually act as a justification to attack before the attack and support of aggressive behavior that has been done. In common, the bully consists of a strong physical self with a good appreciation and growing. Bullies do not have a sense of responsible action that they do, often feel controlled and want to dominate, and could not understand and appreciate others.
Individuals who bully is so often the children or students who are popular and act as a pressure group. Bully also difficult to control, and difficult to comply with social rules against children or other students. However, there are bullies who have the ability to understand and manipulate the minds of others. In this capacity, they are capable and able to act effectively without bullying can be detected by others.
Bully also consists of members of the group thet tried to build and demonstrate their power to distrupt the group and threatening the child, or other students who are not members of their group (Rigby, 1994). Results from several studies show the bully might come from victims who have suffered acts of violence or flogging (Loeber and Hay, 1997; Verlinden, Herson and Thomas, 2000). This individual acts as a bully because of revenge. they are not able to respond to individuals who have been bullying them directly, as they choose and make individuals more vulnerable ro retaliation. this action has benn changing bullying victims become bullies.
  • The Victims of Bullying
Bullying victim is a person who becomes a target for a variety of aggressive behavior. In other words, victims of bullying who is being bullied or bully target. Children often become victims of bullying typically highlight the characteristics of internal behaviors such as being passive, sensitive, quiet, weak and will not respond if attacked or harassed (Nansel et al., 2001). In general, these children have self-confidence competent, weak, depressed, and always in fear. Victims of bullying weaker than the bully. Usually choose to bully bullied. Cause of an individual or student is being bullied :-
a) Variations is in itself.
Individuals or students who are seen as a different or variant of athers, usually the potential for bullying. Bullies usually see and find the variations that exist on the victim, and thus make the difference as an excuse to allow these actions. Students who viewed nature and pampered like asserting than others have a high risk to be victims of bullying.
b) Physical characteristics is in itself.
Students who have physical characteristics that are often targeted to poor bullied by their students. Students or individuals who have a deficiency in terms of physical characteristics, a high level of anxeity, social skills and a low potential for victims of bullying are made by peers (Egan and Perry, 1998). Because the physical characteristics of the weak, the individual target bullies to bully the most secure.
c) Provocative
Olweus (1993) found that there are victims of bullying who behave in annoying others around him. Victims of bullying behavior is causing provocation of others, around them, and also trigger negative reactions from others. Victims of bullying provocative directly to lure or attract bullies to bully them. They also often generate anger others to bully them through the use of words offensive (Matusova, 1997). Students also said to have an easy fight nature, ill-tempered, and behave the offensive to others.
d) Personality characteristics is in itself.
Students who have the characteristics of a weak personalitty as shy, passive, lifeless and potential to become a victim of bullying (Nesbitt, 1999). They are students who do not have self-confidence and less popular among their peers. Weakness psychology students this seems to give signals to the bully that they are individuals or students who are easily bullied. Bullies often assume that this group of students is an individual who is not able to respond to bullying actions performed.
e) Always alone.
Attitudes of students who have withdrawn and not to protect a friend or share a problem that is often exposed to risk for being bullied. Students in this group are students who are ignored by others. In bullying, victims of bullying among students who are withdrawn, treated as a "classic bully victim" by the bullies, especially if the victim was crying and less easy to fight or respond (Seppa, 1996).
f) New people.
Students who become new people or "junior" among the partners also have the potential to be victims of bullying. As a new scholl, or in the classroom, students are not able to adjust to the school and classroom environment. Students usually do not have a friend who can protect or help them to solve problems. Thus students will become the easiest targets for bullying.

Actually, children behavior especially students, who are become bullies or victims of bullying are developed from other factors. From that, we have to know what the exactly causes that would comes towards in this issue. A number of different factors have been identified which contribute to bullying problems. For me, a major factors that causes the bullying in school are family factors and school factors itself.

Family background plays an important role in shaping feature bullying behavior. A number of child-rearing styles have been found to predict whether children will grow up to be aggressive bullies. Parents often tend to form quarrelling children at risk to become more aggressive. Use of excessive force and action in an effort to discipline children by parents, guardians and teachers indirectly, encourage bullying behavior among children (Goleman, 1995).
Children who lack of love, the perfect upbringing, and strengthening the positive potential to become bullies. A lack of attention and warmth toward the child, together with modeling of aggressive behavior at home, and poor supervision of the child, provide the perfect opportunity for aggressive and bullying behavior to occur. Their children being ill-tempered and aggressive behavior is the most appropriate and effective to achieve a goal. These children receive instruction indirectly against that action is a way for them to solve problems.
Modeling of aggressive behavior may also include use of physical and verbal aggression toward the child by parents, or use of physical and verbal aggression by parents toward each other. The connection between witnessing wife assault by children, particularly male children, and bully behavior by children toward peers, has not been well studied, but studies do indicate that aggressive behavior of all kinds is elevated in children who witness violence by their father toward their mother.

Environment, practices, and policies affecting school activities, behaviors, and student interaction at school. Feeling safe and valued is the basis of high academic achievement in school.
If these requirements are not met, students may act to control their environment by doing anti-social behavior such as bullying of other people. The social context and supervision at school have been shown to play a major part in the frequency and severity of bullying problems. Management and supervision of school discipline that will lead to the existence of weak bullying behavior in schools (Pearceand Thompson, 1998).
Potential for bullying behavior also exists among students as a result of crowded conditions and lack of classroom teachers. This will cause the student cannot be supervised and controlled, and eventually the situation became such a contributor to the occurrence of bullying behavior among school students. Besides, while teachers and administrators do not have control over individual and family factors which produce children who are inclined to bully, bullying problems can be greatly reduced in severity by appropriate supervision, intervention and climate in a school.

As a person who are really care about this phenomenon, I feel everyone has to give their commitments to control this phenomenon from becoming worst and terrible..
So, I hope, all of u guys who read this blog can give more comments about this phenomenon. See u later.. Salam...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

bullies... guess what ???

hye my friend.. i'm sue.. for the started let's me share with u all about what bully realy are..
wanna know about the details??
ahakzzz, continuous ur reading..
from my u/stnding, Bullying is an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person. behavior may include calling, verbal or written abuse, exclusion from activities, exclusion from activities, physical abuse or coercion..
in terms of school bulling, bullying occur in all area of school. it can occur in nearly any part in or around the school building, though it more often occurs in recess, hallways, bathrooms, on school buses and waiting for buses and many more.
bullying in school sometimes consists of a group of student taking advantage of or isolating one student in particular and gaining the loyalty of bystanders who want yo avoid becoming the next victim.
i think that all from me.. thanks for ur time

about us

salam.... my name rashidah,, i'm a part of this group n i hope i can enjoy with this bully discussion..

hello...i'm hidayah mohamed..u can call me daia...hehehe like soap...let's start our blog...

hi... su's here... join us to discuss in this blog n i'm so excited to do it.... okay c u....

ahlan wahsahlan...i,m dayah rosni how r u there..??its interesting..join us to discuss about this issue..;)

syamsuri here...hye frenzz...bully????wow so hot issue,,,in addition i'm the only 1 man here... so let's discuss with this gurlzzzz........